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Welcome to Christ Church New Brighton, Staten Island, New York

A Warm Welcome Awaits You

Our mission statement: FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNITY OUTREACH based on real need that encourages participation and a sense of belonging:

  • Traditional Anglican faith-based WORSHIP with an emphasis on music
  • Loving and compassionate PASTORAL CARE focussed on real need
  • Encouraging the participation and understanding of belonging for our CHILDREN & YOUTH

Service Times

Morning Prayer Rite I at 7:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:00 a.m.
YouTube Live Service Link

Monday through Friday
6 AM Morning Prayer Rite I in the Chapel

175th Annivesart Celebration Begins

This Sunday

This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
The liturgical color is White.
Sunday School Classes will not meet this week.

The Rev. Trevor R. Babb, Rector, Christ Church New BrightonFrom the Rector's Desk

Dear Saints of God,

Greetings to you in the name of our Risen Christ!

On Sunday, April 14, 2024, we began the celebration of our 175th anniversary of witness to the New Brighton community. This will be a time in which we seek to live more fully into our mission of Love, Worship, and Service. The committee has been hard at work detailing activities and events for our enjoyment and I encourage each of us to make an effort to fully participate and support.

As a symbol of our legacy to this milestone in our witness, ALL are being invited to make a financial contribution of $175.00 or more to the ongoing work and ministry of our life together. More details will be forthcoming as the year of celebration unfolds.

Our anniversary will span one year, that is, April 2024 to April 2025. May God who has called us to be a beacon of light in this community, fill us with the power of His resurrection Glory as we build a legacy for generations to come. Please plan to be at worship and bring a friend as we launch our anniversary celebration.

To God be The GLORY!

Fr. Trevor+

Noonday Prayer and Quiet Reflection

Fr. Trevor continues his 15 week series featuring lessons from the book "A Manual for the Art of Living" by Rev. Henderson Brome for our Facebook Live Noonday Prayer and Short Reflection.
Click the link below to watch the broadcast.
"A Manual For The Art of Living" Week 5 - "Contentment"

Did You Know?

Did you know that Humans May Harbor Genes from Other Species?
From now on, we can say that we aren't completely human, at least when it comes to the genetic composition inside our cells. It is another did you know facts that our genome may harbor as many as 145 genes that we inherit from bacteria, other single-celled organisms, and viruses, as per the studies published in the journal Genome Biology.

Did you know that Men are more likely to be colorblind than women?
The genes responsible for the most common type of colorblindness are found on the X chromosome, the National Eye Institute explains. Even if women have the genes on one of their two X chromosomes, a properly functioning gene on the other one makes up for that loss. If men inherit the gene on their only X chromosome, they'll become colorblind.

Did you know that There is No Flavor in Food Without Saliva?
Last but not least, one of the most amazing facts in science is that we need saliva to taste our food. In order for food to taste, the chemicals from the food must dissolve in saliva. Once the chemicals in the food are dissolved, they can be detected by receptors in our taste buds.

175th Anniversary Historical Exerpts From the Book
"Christ Church New Brighton"
by John B. Woodall

The Religious Climate 1849 -1850

In New York, the conflict between Evangelicals and the High Church party was acute. The Evangelicals were the pet aversion of The Churchman, organ of the High Church faction, and its editor's pen was at times "dipped in vitriol." (Chorey, p 282). The Evangelicals reacted by founding, in 1843, The Protestant Churchman with the avowed purpose of combatting "erroneous and strange doctrines" disseminated within the diocese. The new paper proclaimed itself "thoroughly Protestant" and its masthead bore the words: "Holy Scripture and Ancient Authors."

Benjamin Treadwell Onderdonk, a tactless High Church New York in 1830, greatly "antagonized the Evangelicals. He lectured them on "the proper arrangement" of chancels, in which matter there had always been much latitude; declared that it was a "great mistake to represent the pulpit as the chief and most honorable part of the church"; and proclaimed the ideal church edifice to be one surmounted by a cross. …

Opinion on Staten Island was stubbornly conservative as to ceremonial change and church ornaments. St. Andrew's was and long remained an Evangelical, Low Church preserve. The placing in 1854, at St. Luke's, Rossville, of a cross atop a memorial tablet to a High Church rector almost tore the church apart. In a sermon at the final service in old St. John's, Clifton (September 24, 1870) its first rector, Dr. Kingston Goddard, declared that this church had been "thoroughly, and radically Evangelical" from the start. Its founder s meant her to be "Protestant…positively, actively, boldly, and unflinchingly Protestant." They abhorred "counterfeit Romanism" and would sooner have levelled the church to the ground than have it "harbor any false teacher or be used for the display of the puerilities of the ridiculous imitators of Rome." In a Jubilee sermon at new St. John's in 1893, the rector, Dr. John C. Eccleston, spoke in much the same vein. And here is what the rector of St. Paul's, Tompkinsville, said to have been founded by "old fashioned High Churchmen," reported to the Convention in 1841: "The rector is sorry to say that the prayer days were sadly neglected, owing to the sectarian notion here, as elsewhere too prevalent, that the sermon is the principal part of the service."

Such, then, was the religious climate of opinion when Christ Church was launched, July 9th, 1849.

Calling All Volunteers!

Please print the following page and check the boxes for the events you'd be interested in being a part of the volunteer community. Volunteer sheets are available at the ushers' station in the back of the church or in the Parish office. Please contact Sheila Hewitt for more information.



Coffee Hour

This week we will host a sponsored coffee hour! It will be held in the Guild Room, immediately following Sunday service.


As an FYI - all people who pledged and have emails should have gotten an email with their quarterly statement. If you did not get your statement, please contact me at

Spring Fair 2024

With our Spring Fair approaching on June 1st, 2024, we are requesting donations of raffle baskets, baked goods, white elephant table items, supplies, etc. Please bring any donations to the parish office or contact Sheila Hewitt at 718-447-8049.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for people to chair our Spring Fair, which will be held on Saturday, June 1st, 2024. For more details or information please contact Sheila Hewitt at 718-447-8049.

Richmond IPC: Bus to the Ordination of Deacons

Saturday, May 18th. The service begins at 10:30 AM

Congratulations to Cindy McCloskey, Church of the Ascension, for her upcoming ordination as Deacon. The Richmond Inter-Parish Council has organized a bus to travel to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on Saturday, May 18th for the Ordination.

The charter bus will leave from All Saints Church at 8:45 AM on 5/18.  
The bus has 54 seats. Seats must be reserved and will be filled on a first come first serve basis.  
The bus will depart from the Cathedral at 12:30 PM.

To reserve a seat on the bus please send an email to, or text Cathy Carlson at 718.702.7192. Please include your cell phone number and email in your correspondence.  To help offset the cost of the bus, there is a suggested donation of $25 per rider. 

All registrants will receive a confirmation email.

Save the Date

Saturday, May 10th, 2024 – TRIVIA NIGHT at Christ Church. 6-9PM, $5 per person. This is a J2A Pilgrimage Fundraiser.
Saturday, May 18th, 2024 – New York Concert Opera Presents - "A TRIBUTE TO MARIA CALLAS" 100 Years a Legend. 7:00PM

Parish Prayer List

The following individuals have requested our prayers:
Fred Allen, Betty Babb, Elma Babb, Erma Babb, Marcella Babb, Jenny Badger, Ezekiel Bascombe, Richard Biada, Linda Blanchette, Chris Broderick, Deborah Broome, Frank Cangemi, Eva Charney, Tulin Cileli, David Clark, Marcia Clendenen, Sandra Cocks, Lisa Colli-Hogan, Iris Colbourne, Barbara Corregan, Laura Craig, Athelridge Cumberbatch, Gaynelle Cumberbatch, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Ira (Steve) Davis, Judy Davis, Aria Durant, Marlene Elia, Garfield Evans, Tabitha Foxx, Sebastian Gattullo, Sandra Giambalvo, Steven Haley, Mary Hamblin, , Mary Haugen, Avion Hernandez-Elcock, Emilia, Jaime, Jan, Mark, & Tom, Michael Kelly, Anthony Lamourt, Chloe Lee, Jenna Love, Willie Marcus, The McIntosh Family, Eva McClary, Mary Mcclellan Michael & Lois Moschella, Louise Nygard, T. Rauch, Ann Reilly, Olivia Rey, Christine Riola, Deborah Rollock, Leila Rollock, Pastor Junior Ross, Barnett Shepherd, Daphne, Joyce & Eric Smith, Tom Smith, Thomas Sox, Erma St. Louis, David Lloyd Stephens, Christopher Still, Sheila Swigert, Fred & Rob Tucher, Deborah Vurckio, Lucille Williams, Roger Williams, Marsha Wynter, Jan & Joan Yearwood, and the people of The Girls and Boys of Heartshare St. Vincent's Services.

Please Note: The Prayer List is intended to uphold and encourage those who need healing prayers. If persons have been fully recovered and no longer need to be lifted up in this way, please let us know so that we can make room for others. This list will be updated every three months unless otherwise notified. If you need a loved one or friend to remain on the list, please call the parish office. Thank you!

We pray for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed, especially those whose death resulted from gun violence. May their souls rest in peace.

We pray for all the frontline and essential workers in our parish, and around S.I. and the world.

We pray for the hundreds of asylum seekers in New York City, and particularly on Staten Island and ask God's Holy Spirit to help us as citizens, civic organizations and religious institutions to respond with love and compassion.

We pray for comfort to the families and communities impacted by gun violence, and for the will and determination to enact appropriate gun control legislation and promote a culture of safety. 

We pray for an end to armed conflict, and lift up the people of Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia and Sudan in the hopes that they can move towards peace and diplomacy.

We pray for all those negatively impacted by climate, environmental and naturally occurring disasters.

We pray for those who are suffering from the impacts of systemic racism, and for those who are committed and working towards change, unity, and equality for all peoples.

We pray for our young people and all those who have started a new academic year.

We give thanks to God for the following individuals who are celebrating their Birthdays this week. Dana Caulkins (21), Kevin Gunther (22), Daniel Trapp (22), Jermain Trapp (22), Alexandra Hodnik (24), Alice Zayzay (27).

We give thanks to God for the individuals who are celebrating their wedding anniversaries this week: Laura & Henry Kennedy (25).

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Australia.

In the Episcopal Futures Prayer Cycle, we pray for all who seek God by strengthening their faith and serving their community.

In the Diocese of New York, we pray for +Michael our Presiding Bishop; +Matthew, +Allen, and +Mary, our Bishops; Trevor+ our Rector; Grace Church, Millbrook; Church of the Good Shepherd, Granite Springs; St. George's Church, Newburgh; La Iglesia del Buen Pastor, Newburgh; The Rt. Rev. Mark S. Sisk, 15th Bishop of New York, on the anniversary of his consecration; St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, Manhattan; Christ Church & San Marcos, Tarrytown; and St. Mark's Church, Mount Kisco.